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Wednesday 18 August 2021

Causes of Sensual Dysfunction to Treat Condition Effectively

Sensual dysfunction may be a common health issue which will affect men of all ages. The functioning is governed by many factors such as biological factors that include functioning of neurological, endocrine or vascular systems. Psychological factors such stress and depression and psychosocial factors like religious beliefs, ethnicity and health status. Problems in any of those factors can cause sensual dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to take care of or achieve sufficient erection of the penile which is required for satisfactory sensual performance. It is going to affect some men occasionally but prolonged failure to take care of an erection and can affect the standard of life or cause relationships problems.

Main symptoms of ED include difficulty getting an erection, difficulty keeping an erection and reduced concupiscence. Prolonged erection is additionally one among the symptoms of persistent erection, usually without arousal.

Causes of ED are:

·        Cardiovascular diseases

·        High cholesterol

·        Diabetes

·        Obesity

·        Hypertension

·        Peyronie diseases, an anatomical disorder of the penile region

·        Surgical complications

·        Injuries within the spinal cord or penile area

·        Smoking, substance use or alcoholism

·        Prostate disease

Psychological causes of ED include the following:

·        Anxiety

·        Lack of emotional awareness

·        Stress

·        Depression

·        Fear of intimacy

·        Guilt

·        Current life stress

Premature ejaculation (PE) is defined as ejaculation that happen due to lack of ejaculatory control. In PE, ejaculation happens always or nearly always before or in only one minute of sensual penetration. This causes problems in sensual satisfaction of one or both the partners and should disturb their emotional well-being.

PE disorders can have many potential causes like

·        Inadequate sensual stimulation

·        Loss of sensual excitement

·        Poor body image

·        History of traumatic masturbation

·        Relationship stress and conflicts

·        Religious taboos

·        Damage to pelvic nerves

·        Medications

·        Diabetes

·        Low testosterone

Super Force Jelly use

Oral medication that comes in the jelly form helps to resolve the problem of ED and PE in men. The medicine is suitable for erectile difficulty in men that leads to ability to attain or sustain firm erection and also works to promote control over ejaculation. The medicine comes with an active component blend of Sildenafil 100mg and Dapoxetine 60mg oral jelly to resolve overall well-being of an individual. It promotes sufficient outcomes in a decent way to resolve the condition effectively. One can buy Sildenafil 100mg and Dapoxetine 60mg oral jelly online to manage the health condition in an appropriate way.

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