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Thursday 19 August 2021

Boost Erectile Health to Manage Problems in Men - ED

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or impotence is known as the inability to attain or sustain an erection firm enough for sensual activity. This does not affect the power to reach climax. Occasionally men will have difficulty having an erection and this is often not seen as a reason for concern unless this continues to happen on a uniform basis.

Symptoms of ED are:

·        Incapability to reach an erection

·        Difficulty maintaining an erection

·        Decreased libido

Causes of ED are:

ED could also be caused by emotional or physical issues that involve the brain, hormones, nerves and blood vessels.

Physical causes of ED

·        Heart disease

·        Atherosclerosis

·        High cholesterol

·        High blood pressure

·        Diabetes

·        Obesity

·        Metabolic syndrome

·        Parkinson’s disease

·        Multiple sclerosis

·        Medications

·        Smoking

·        Peyronie’s disease known as the development of connective tissue inside the penile region

·        Alcoholism

·        Surgery or radiation for prostate issues

·        Surgeries or injuries that affect the penile, testicles, back, pelvic area or spinal cord

Diagnosis of ED is:

·        Physical exam of penile, testicles and prostate also as neurologic test

·        Blood tests

·        Ultrasound of penile blood flow

·        Psychological exam to work out if stress or depression

Risk Factors of ED

As an individual grow old, erections might take longer to induce and should not be as firm.

Risk factors include:

·        Medical conditions such as diabetes or heart condition

·        Smoking or tobacco products which restricts blood flow

·        Obesity

·        Prostate surgery or radiation to prostate

·        Traumatic Injuries to pelvic, this will damage the nerves or arteries to penile region

·        Medications

·        Psychological conditions like depression

·        Continuous drug and alcohol use

Complications of ED

·        Poor intercourse life

·        Personal stress

·        Embarrassment

·        Relationship issues

·        Unable to urge the spouse pregnant

Zhewitra Oral Jelly

Vardenafil oral jelly is used to manage and promote improvement in lovemaking session. The medicine helps to enhance and promote solution to boost erectile health. One can buy Vardenafil 20mg oral jelly online to manage and enhance overall functioning with improved solution. The medicine is effective to promote ability to attain or sustain firm erection in men. Vardenafil 20mg jelly online is available at inexpensive cost from rsmenterprises.in for effective results. 

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